Tuesday, March 07, 2006

well, an almost week of not weighing myself (okay, so i cheated once and weighed myself yesterday. i know, i should be ashamed of myself ;) resulted in this.

i'm pretty excited about it. another pound down. five more to get under 150.

i think i can. i think i can. i think i can.
i know i can. i know i can. i know i can.

yesterday upon finding a gc for lowes in my wallet i went there to finally get a full length mirror. i haven't seen my legs and a good shot of my ass in a looong time. not b/c i didn't want to but b/c i always forget to get a mirror at the store.

so this morning upon standing in front of this mirror, butt ass neked, i started to look at my body. really look at my body. now most of the time when i look, i look for all the problem spots. lower belly hanging from 2 c-sections, arms could using a lil toning, blah blah.

but today, i looked for the good things. the wonderful improvments then i have made with 34 pounds off my body. this made me think. why am i constantly wanting to see the bad things about my body? why do i do that to myself? why do i let my hubby tell me how beautiful i am and how much he *loves* my ass to turn around and tell him that he has to say these things b/c he's my hubby? why do i doubt why men in public are beginning to look at me? (this is not meant to be vain, it actually makes me uncomfortable b/c i think they are looking b/c something is wrong. i know huh...get some self esteem girl!).

why can't i just see the beauty in myself?

so with that said, i am going to try on a regular basis to focus on at least one beautiful thing about myself. whether it be inside or out.

i'm starting today and ask you to do the same.

tell me three thing about yourself that you love. that you really truly love. i also encourage you to post them on your blog. one day when you are feeling a lil down and out, i want you to find that post and read just a few of the things that make you the beautiful person that you are.

i'll start:

1. i love my eyes. my eyes are this amazing "toad color". "toad" you ask? well they are these dark olive green color with brown flecks all over the place. they turn a brighter shade of green when i have been drinking a lot (whooo-haaa) or if i have been crying a lot. some may call that hazel, i call it "toad".

2. my collar bone. since losing all this weight, you can actually see it. i love touching it along with the upper part of my chest (before you get all kinky, i'm talking about the area under my neck and before my hoots). this used to be such a fleshy/chubby area and now its flat and has definition to it.

3. my imagination. i love that i have such a vivid and wild imagination. i have been like this all my love and its something that i am glad that i have passed on to my kiddos. i think imagination is everything and i'm glad that i have it.

okay, now its your turn.


Blogger Greta Adams said...

i love my smile...hehehe and the "ladies"...i so wish i could lick them myself....and I love that your my bestest friend in the whole wide world


8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Shit Greta!! LOL!!!! I could probably lick mine cuz they are so elastisized from having 3 kids! LOL!! But after I gradute and get a job I think I'm going to do what you did, boob job and all, my question is, is 36 to old to be doing this?? That's how old I'll be then!! DAMN......old.

I seriously can't think of 3 things I like about myself, I can think of 3 things I liked before I got all fat and haggard looking, I am working on that though, seriously. Doc changed my RX and now I'm not losing anymore and I'm down to one meal a day most days, #1 cuz I'm not hungry and #2 I do not want to see a gain the next day. It's depressing. I drink water like it's going out of style and do snack lightly, maybe I should count it as a lunch? I'm not starving by any means. I'm definitley eating alot less but the scale won't budge anymore unless it's to move up. I'm currently down 15.5 which is up 1.5 from 2 weeks ago, I still want to lose another 42.5 pounds....

errrrrrr, I feel like crap now.

But you my dear, you are kicking ass and I love watching you progress, I love that you are almost where you want to be and both you and Greta are amazing girls with slammin' bodies!!!

1:52 PM  
Blogger Jayne said...

You are doing awesome girl! Way more better than me! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...it think I'm gaining way too much muscle..hehe
Remember me? your blog help pest..hehe

7:32 PM  
Blogger angela said...

You're doing so well...congratulations. I'm just starting!
And I think you're so right to concentrate on the good things about yourself.

1:33 AM  

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