Thursday, April 13, 2006

okay, don't feel that its just been this place that i have neglected, i've neglected my day to day blog also.

soooo...what's been going on since i've last posted. been busy of course, but i won't bore you will all those details over here. you can go check that out here.

this is the current weight and i'm fuckin' ecstatic about it. i'm so close to 150 i can't even stand it. i'm hoping that once i'm off my period and all the bloating is gone that i will be even closer to it.

for all of you out there reading (is there anyone still out there???) and struggle with their weight and get extremely frustrated with the up and down of it, i hope you have seen since i started this blog that its not just you, its EVERYONE!!!!

i started this blog in january and i have lost a grand total of five pounds.

now as we all know, i've lost over 35+ since last year and when you get skinner, the pounds come off a lot slower, but i know that these five pounds i have lost are gone forever.

so i really am happy with the lil bit...strike that...huge amount of progress that i have made. what also makes me happy about this is knowing that once i reach the main goal i will be able to maintain.

i have been trying to drink more water and have been watching what i have been putting in my mouth, however, i am allowing myself to pretty much eat something bad when i want it. i also started tae bo the other day. i'm hoping that will tone me up in areas that i am really trying to focus on (back fat, belly, and waist).

with that being said, here's a (bad) shot of my newly loved body. do i still see problem areas in this pic, yes, but do i see a lot of things that i love...hell yeah!

esp. the fact that these are a size 12 pants and they are pretty loose on me and the shirt is a friggin' medium. i can't even tell ya the last time i wore a medium anything.

i only wish that i would have taken weekly shots of my body from the beginning. oh well, too late now.

how is everyone else doing????